EASA President and Vice-Presidents

Date: 29.11.20

After a written election of all members, the new Presidium of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts started the term of office 2020-2024 at 24 November 2020:


Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, TUM Emeritus of Excellence at the Technical University of Munich and Senior Professor at the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center of the University of Tübingen

© wildbild

President Mainzer is member of the steering group (HLG) for standardization of artificial intelligence (AI) in Germany. The Roadmap of AI-standardization which was eloborated by the HLG 2029-2020 was presented at the Summit of the German Government on 30 November 2020.
Interview of President Mainzer for the Academy of Sciences of Moldova: https://asm.md/prof-klaus-mainzer-presedinte-al-academiei-europene-de-stiinte-si-arte-criza-pandemica-demonstreaza (English translation)

In 2021, Klaus Mainzer was appointed to the Advisory Board of the future cluster NeuroSys-KI (Neuromorphic Hardware for Autonomous Systems of Artificial Intelligence) of the German Ministery of Research and Education (BMBF). The future cluster studies and develops neuromorphic hardware according to the human brain, memristor, pattern recognition, and machine learning with applications in personalized medicine, industry et al. In the past, Mainzer published two books on these topics with Leon O. Chua (Berkeley), the pioneer of the memristor.

Klaus Mainzer was awarded the Meckatzer Philosophy Prize "for outstanding overall and life's work in the field of philosophy" on 26 June 2022

More information on President Mainzer: Wikipedia; TUM-EMERITI OF EXCELLENCE;



Prof. em. Dr. Birgit Harreß, Professor of Slavic Literary Literature and Cultural History at the University of Leipzig

Publication Dostojewski

Prof. Dr. Wolfango Plastino, Professor of Applied Physics at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre
(more information Università degli Studi Roma Tre)

© Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Vienna - United Nations

Prof. Dr. Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Professor of Ophtalmology and Optometry at the Medical University of Vienna
(more information https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/hp/augenheilkunde/)

©MedUni Wien/feelimage

Please find here the letter of President Mainzer to all members at the occasion of his election.

Greetings from the Founder

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