The official organs of the Academy are:
General Assembly
Court of Arbitration
The Presidium runs the everyday affairs of the Academy. Members of the Presidium are the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, and the Secretary.
Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Mainzer
Prof. Dr. Birgit Harreß
Prof. Dr. Wolfango Plastino
Prof. Dr. Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
The Senate supports the Presidium in the management of the Academy. Members of the Senate are the Presidium, the Deans, and the Founders:
Our Delegates are the national representatives of the Academy. They promote the Academy and its activities nationally and review nominations of candidates from their countries. Delegates are elected by the Senate.
All ordinary members are part of the General Assembly, which takes decisions on issues of fundamental importance, such as the election of the President and the Senate.
The auditors inspect the financial conduct and the financial statements of the Academy.
The Court of Arbitration convenes as necessary and has the final say in disputes both between members and between organs of the Academy and individual members in matters concerning the Academy.
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a registered association according to the Austrian law on associations.
Our registration number is 079675310.