Organisation and Chair:
Prof. Violeta Dinescu, Dean EASA, Class III
Prof Dr.Dušan Šuput, Dean EASA, Class II
RAMI CHAHIN: is a Syrian-German composer, theorist and musicologist
TOPIC: Mictrotonal Music. Importances and Classifications
Microtonal music exists in nature, everywhere around us. It is considered the character and core of almost all traditional music around the world. There are many arguments to be discussed about the existence of it in different cultures around the world as well as in Europe and its relationship to the twelve equal intervals per octave. Microtonal music can be considered as an important and essential science for better understanding different cultures in the world. It can be considered as an essential musical science and it can be used in all of its branches: Composition, education, therapy, theory, history, etc. Important arguments to be discussed are: The future existence of microtonal music, will it dominate the music in the future or it will become extinct. If it is really important to use it in music. If yes, why and how to use it. In my presentation I will give a short historical background about microtonal music and I will talk about the importances of microtonal music and its classifications with examples from my compositions...
Rami Chahin did his Ph.D. in Musicology, main focus microtonal music composition and theory, at Oldenburg University/ Germany, supervised by Prof. Violeta Dinescu and Prof.Dr. Joachim Dorfmüller for his thesis “Towards a Spectral Microtonal Composing: A Bridge between Arab and Western Music”…
LUDWIG TAVERNIER: Art historian, tour guide and author
TOPIC: The fear of God Religious interpretations of diseases and epidemics. A cultural-historical search for clues
After teaching and research activities in Munich, Rome, Leipzig, Santa Barbara (USA), Graz and Salzburg, he was appointed to the University of Koblenz-Landau, where he headed the Institute of Art Studies at the Koblenz campus until his retirement in 2021.
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President EASA, Former Full Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science at TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Munich: