Organisation and Chair:
Prof. Violeta Dinescu, Dean EASA, Class III
Prof Dr. Dušan Šuput, Dean EASA, Class II
Professor in the Physics Department of the University of Zurich
TOPIC: All the dark we can not see – searching for invisible matter in the Milky Way
Only a small fraction of our universe is directly visible. A large part consists of matter that does not emit radiation in the visible, UV, gamma, infrared or microwave range. From measurements of the rotation curves of galaxies, the mass of galaxy clusters, the distribution of large-scale structures, the cosmic microwave background radiation and the expansion rate of the universe, we know that the luminous matter that makes up galaxies, stars, planets and people accounts for only about 4% of the total matter and energy content of the universe. The rest is “dark”, or invisible, and can so far only be revealed indirectly, via its gravitational influence on visible matter. Dark matter could consist of massive, yet unknown particles that were created in an early phase of the universe. Ever more sensitive detectors are employed around the world to feverishly search for such new, dark particles. The goal is to detect them via their scattering from atomic nuclei in a terrestrial detector and via their transformation into known particles in the Sun, the galactic center and the halo of the Milky Way.
Short CV Prof. Dr. Laura Baudis
Laura Baudis is a professor in the Physics Department of the University of Zurich. She has a long interest in dark matter and neutrino physics and has worked on dark matter detectors since her days as a PhD student at the University of Heidelberg. She is one of the founders of the XENON dark matter programme, and she leads the DARWIN collaboration with the aim to build an astroparticle physics observatory based on a 50-tonne liquid xenon detector. In 2017, she was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for her project Xenoscope, which conducts R&D for the construction of the DARWIN time projection chamber. In 2021 she became a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz and in spring 2022 she was awarded the Charpak-Ritz Prize by the French and Swiss physical societies.
TOPIC: „Poetry in Time“ with particular emphasis on female production
ABSTRACT It is the narration of Poetry from its first forms of expression in its long journey accompanied by music to the present, to state some of the functions it has exercised over time. Particular attention is focused on the contribution given by women in the various eras crossed by time to understand their difficulties and merits. In early times, Poetry was a means of knowledge and learning, of transmission of values; after the discovery of printing, it was relegated to an ivory tower and destined for a few to explode in the years of the spread of mass media and become a democratic tool and heritage of all. In recent decades, it has taken on new functions and, above all, the crucial role of a bridge between peoples, connecting us through shared emotions and experiences.
Short CV Prof. Dr. Miraglia
Maria Miraglia is a poet, essayist, translator, and peace activist. She graduated in foreign languages at the University of Bari, where she furthered her studies with a Master's in Evaluation and later with another Master's in Modular Didactics at Roma Tre University.
She achieved merit certifications at Trinity College in Edinburgh and the International House in London. She has also served as a Ministerial Trainer for the English language.
Maria Miraglia was a dedicated member of Amnesty International and later joined Ican, the International Observatory for Human Rights. Her influence extends to her role as Vice President of the World Movement for the Defense of Children (UWMC) Kenya and founder of the World Peace Foundation (WFP).
Dr. Miraglia's influence on contemporary literature is profound. As a cosmopolitan Italian writer, her impressive academic curriculum places her on the world literary stage. She is a founding member and Literary Director of the Pablo Neruda Association, a member of several World Writers Associations, an Honorary Member of Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Bolivia, co-editor of Contemporary Vibes, India, and a member of several editorial boards of international literary magazines.
She writes in Italian, English, or both languages. Her poems have been translated into over thirty foreign languages and are prominent in more than one hundred
international anthologies and magazines. The work that made her known to a broad audience is Dancing Winds, which has also been translated into the Telugu language. Among her most recent collections are Coloured Butterflies and Echi nell'Aria (Echoes in the Air)
Miraglia's literary prowess has earned her numerous prizes and awards in her home country of Italy and several foreign countries worldwide.
Introduction: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Klaus Mainzer, President EASA, Former Full Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science at TUM -School of Social Sciences and Technology, Munich.