The Danube Academies Conference is a forum for all national Academies of the Danube region and focuses on scientific developments in this area. It is a platform for the exchange between the national academies from Central and Eastern Europe. Established by the EASA, the 11th Danube Academies Conference is hosted by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under the scientific topic “Climate Change and Climate Control”.
Prof. Julian Revalski, DSc, Full Member of the Academy, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dimiter Ivanov, DSc, Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Prof. Dr. Felix Unger, Honorary President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Florian Ballnus, Priority Area 6 Coordinator –EU Strategy for the Danube Region
Dr. Ludvik Toplak, Alma Mater Europaea – Digital Education as a Precondition for Green Europe
Kristin Davidse, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen and Wout Van Praet, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts – Climate Communication between Flemish Politicians and Citizens on Facebook
Pavol Miklanek, Slovak Academy of Sciences – Programme and Projects of the Danube Countries Cooperation within the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme of UNESCO
Round Table – Convener: Kostadin Ganev
Dr. Kristina Chakarova, The Potential of CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation) as Climate Mitigation Technologies
Teodora Trichkova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Invasive Alien Species in the Danube Region: Networking and Strategy Development
Kremena Stefanova, Snezhana Moncheva, Violeta Slabakova, Ivelina Zlateva, Nadezhda Valcheva, Elitsa Stefanova, Natalia Slabakova, Nina Dzhembekova, Valentina Doncheva,
Bernd Cyffka, CU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt/ Floodplain Institute, Germany – The Importance of Floodplain Restoration for Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change along the Danube
Katrin Teubner, Andras Abonyi, Doru Bănăduc, Angela CurteanBănăduc, Norbert Exler, Georg Janauer, Hristina Kalcheva, Artem Liashenko and Mateja Germ, International Association for Danube Research – Climate Response in the DRB: a Brief Overview from the Perspective of IAD
Thomas Friedrich, Jakob Neuburg and Paul Meulenbroek, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute for Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management, Austria
A LIFE for the Sturgeons – MEASURES Needed for the Preservation of the Danube‘s Living Fossils
Round Table – Convener: Ekaterina Batchvarova Ognyana Hristova, Boryana Dzhurova & Radka Mavrodieva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Pelagic Ecosystem : Response to Climate Change in the North-Western Black Sea
Hristo Chervenkov, Georgi Gadzhev, Vladimir Ivanov, Kostadin Ganev and Ivelina Georgieva, NIMH and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Computer Simulations of Future Climate for South-Eastern Europe and Bulgaria
Round Table – Convener: Teodora Trichkova
Video- Stream: