Date: 09.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
Organisation: European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) SASA web
Green Blue Danube - all topics related to the European Green Deal – preserving Europe’s natural capital, clean air and water, sustainable use of chemicals, food safety, transformation of agriculture and rural areas, clean and affordable energy, achieving climate neutrality, sustainable transport and transition towards circular economy in the Danube Region...
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Klaus Mainzer, EASA President
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Felix Unger, EASA Honorary President
Mrs Doris Klinda, International Relations & Marketing, EASA,
registrations: doris.klinda@euro-acad.eu
Prof. Dr Tanja Ćirković Veličković, SASA Corresponding Member,
Prof. Dr Vlada Veljković, SASA Corresponding Member,
Prof. Dr Željko Tomanović, SASA Corresponding Member,
Prof. Dr Slobodan Marković SASA Corresponding Member, Mrs Jelena Cetkovic (SASA)
Place: SASA Belgrade, Knez Mihailova 35