The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a non-governmental, European association committed to promoting scientific and societal progress. Founded in 1990 as a learned society, our members are leading scientists, artists, and practitioners of governance, who are dedicated to innovative research, interdisciplinary and transnational collaboration as well as the exchange and dissemination of knowledge.
for pioneering work in attosecond physics... ...
A review of the inauguration of the new members, the workshop, evening reception and the election of a new Presidium... ...
The General Assembly has elected a new Presidium ...
The Nobel Prize 2022 in Physics was awarded to EASA member, the Austrian quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger ...
The new journal of EASA introduces itself:
A proposal for a new member can only be submitted by an existing member of the Academy, i.e. you cannot nominate yourself...
At a joint meeting of the leadership of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) on 21 October 2024 in Maribor, realising the dangers of current wars and recognising the urgency of the moment, we crafted a
The International p-XRF Network/Ioannis Liritzis (Dean Class IV) and Dr Michaela Schauer (UNIVIE)
Place: online Colloquia
Date: 12.02.25 - 28.05.2025
Time: 6 pm-7.30 pm
6th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems
Place: Istanbul Kültür University
Date: 08.05.25 - 10.05.2025