The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a non-governmental, European association committed to promoting scientific and societal progress. Founded in 1990 as a learned society, our members are leading scientists, artists, and practitioners of governance, who are dedicated to innovative research, interdisciplinary and transnational collaboration as well as the exchange and dissemination of knowledge.
for pioneering work in attosecond physics... ...
After postal voting of all members, the new Presidium of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts started the term of office 2020-2024 on 24 November 2020 ...
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 was awarded to the biochemist and microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier ...
The Nobel Prize 2022 in Physics was awarded to EASA member, the Austrian quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger ...
The new journal of EASA introduces itself:
A proposal for a new member can only be submitted by an existing member of the Academy, i.e. you cannot nominate yourself...
Wir wenden uns nachdrücklich gegen die völkerrechtswidrige Invasion und Okkupation eines souveränen europäischen Staates wie der Ukraine durch die Streitkräfte der Russischen Föderation. Wir erklären uns solidarisch mit dem ukrainischen Volk und unseren ukrainischen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Mitglieder unserer Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste. Für Demokratie und Wissenschaftsfreiheit! Nie wieder Krieg in Europa!
We strongly oppose the invasion and occupation of a sovereign European state like Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, which is against international law. We declare our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our Ukrainian colleagues, members of our European Academy of Sciences and Arts. For democracy and academic freedom! Never again war in Europe!
Place: Great Assembly Hall, University of Salzburg
Date: 07.03.25
Time: 10 am -to 4 pm
Place: Great Assembly Hall, University of Salzburg
Date: 08.03.25
Time: 11 am - 1.30 pm